About Us

The Oral Cancer Foundation is an IRS registered non-profit 501(c)3, public service charity designed for advocacy and service, created to promote change, through proactive means, in both the public and medical/dental professional sectors. At the forefront of our agenda is the firm establishment in the minds of the American public for the need to undergo an annual oral cancer screening, combined with an outreach to the dental and medical communities to provide this service as a matter of routine practice.
Oral cancer takes more lives than cancers we routinely hear about, such as cervical, Hodgkin's lymphoma, skin (malignant melanoma), testicular, and many others. In the efforts to reduce the death rate from cancers in the US, the most significant progress has been made through early detection. Cervical, skin, prostate, and others that lend themselves to simple, opportunistic screenings and exams have all had their death rates reduced through programs promoting early discovery. Early discovery and diagnosis, yields better long-term outcomes. Oral cancer is not hidden within the body in some hard to find location requiring an invasive examination, it is literally in plain view, right under your nose, and can be seen with the naked eye or felt with the fingers. Its early, highly survivable stages are easily detected in a 3 to 5 minute painless visual and tactile examination. Even the precancerous lesions, which can progress into malignancy, can be seen with the naked eye. An annual oral examination conducted by members of the dental and medical communities will have a definite impact on reducing the death rate associated with oral cancer. It is our mission to bring this about.
The foundation is primarily supported by, and dependent on, donations that are received from private individuals who mostly come from the ranks of survivors, and family and friends of those who have had the disease.